Thursday, May 31, 2012

Convert Your Manicured Lawn to a Wildlife-Friendly Garden

I know we talk a lot about vegetable gardening here, but what if you want a lower-maintenance garden that is still sustainable and eco-friendly? Today we're discussing a slightly different type of garden - one that's wildlife-friendly. Keep in mind you probably won't want to grow edible vegetables in your wildlife garden, unless you are just growing them for the animals to eat! But it can be a fun way to try a new kind of gardening that is a lot less resource-intensive than maintaining a lawn.

wildlife garden
wildlife garden (Photo credit: helen.2006)
Homeowners tend to have a great sense of pride associated with their lawns. They keep them cut short, use pesticides to keep them weed-free, and water them during dry spells. It takes a lot of work, but many feel that it's worth it to maintain a neat and tidy appearance.

But a growing number of homeowners are deciding to forgo mainstream lawn care practices and make their lawns more wildlife-friendly. This requires some work, too – it's not as easy as just ceasing to mow. A good wildlife garden has flowers and plants that attract and feed native species. But for those who enjoy watching nature up close, they are certainly worth the effort.

There are many advantages to turning your lawn into a wildlife garden. Here are a few to think about.

* Wildlife gardens are easy to care for. There is some work involved in getting them started, but once the plants are growing, you don't have to do much in the way of maintenance. You never have to mow, and watering requirements are minimal. Even when the weather is dry, the long grasses and weeds will retain more water than a manicured lawn.

* The native plants used in a wildlife garden are beautiful, and they tend to do very well since they are in their natural habitat. You don't have to worry much about them becoming diseased or needing extra attention, because they are already adapted to the weather and conditions in your area.

* A good wildlife garden attracts all types of species. Some plants attract insects, which in turn attract birds and other animals that feed on them. Other plants directly attract small animals, which in turn attract larger animals that are their natural predators.

English: Wildlife Garden The Derwen Garden Cen...
English: Wildlife Garden The Derwen Garden Centre display (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
* Wildlife gardens provide an unparalleled learning experience for children. They learn about plants and animals in school, but getting to see them up close and personal makes much more of an impression than looking at pictures in books. It also encourages them to ask questions and interact with their surroundings.

* Wildlife gardens are very environmentally friendly. Since you won't be mowing, you will create much less air pollution. And the absence of pesticides is not only good for the animals that visit and live in your garden, it's also good for soil and groundwater quality - and for your family.

A wildlife garden is much more interesting than a stretch of short, perfectly uniform grass. And it's also good for the animals that inhabit your surroundings. It provides them with food and shelter, and it provides you with a wealth of natural beauty right in your own yard.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Advanced Sustainable Garding Tip: Adding A Backyard Fishpond

You may not think of a fish pond as a part of the garden, but actually fishponds can be a great asset to your sustainable gardening endeavors. Not only do they make an attractive addition to the scenery, but they can be an amazing source of fertilizer for your garden - maybe the only one you need, if your garden is small! My sister called my attention to this fact. She is an avid gardener, and every time she cleans out her koi pond, she adds the contents to her garden or compost. She has one of the most beautiful, lush, and healthy organic gardens I've ever seen. All she does is use the natural waste from her fish to feed her garden, which then feeds her family - now that's what I call sustainable!

Here are some tips on building your own fish pond:

Remember that a small backyard pond isn't just for fish, but also for butterflies, frogs, birds, you, and the whole family. These ponds may be quite small, even as small as 3 to 4 feet in diameter, which should be quite easy to maintain. These will not only provide enjoyment and visual interest but also a natural and relaxing environment as well.

Where to Build a Backyard Pond

A picture of a pond in a residential garden.
A pond in a residential garden. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For best ambiance, place your fish pond in a place where you can easily view it from, whether from a deck or the patio. Integrate it into the natural surroundings, and do not place the pond where the sun can overheat it. Nestle it in a mostly shaded place but not directly under trees, where you'll have problems with leaves in the fall, and it may be too shady for some aquatic plants.


It is best to slightly elevate the soil surrounding the pond so that excess water will not drain into it. This can cause it to overflow, and in cases where you may have neighboring lawns, chemicals could flow into the pond and kill your fish. Plan the drainage system of the pond, making sure that it drains the water away from your house - not towards it.

Landscaping the surroundings around your pond will provide a natural dwelling place for birds and frogs that need water and land. Make sure that electricity is available if you plan to use lights, filters, or a water re-circulating device.

Using Pond Liners

Pond liners are used to keep water from leaking into the soil. This is almost always necessary for small ponds even if it they are situated in clay soils. Plastic pond liners come in different shapes and sizes. They even include built in waterfalls or any design based on your preferences. They are durable and convenient.

Pond liners come in different thicknesses as well. The thicker the pond liner, the more resistant it is to punctures. Cement may be considered as an optional pool liner. However, it requires more expertise to install and it may cost more than the regular plastic pond liner.

Some goldfish or koi in a water garden at Geor...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
However, considering that many ponds are quite small, plastics are often the best choice. However, keep in mind that some of the cheaper ones may break down easily under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, so they may need to be replaced every few years. Some plastics also may prove to be toxic to fish, so be sure to check before buying one, that it is safe for fish and wildlife. (Look for those marked "Nontoxic" or "Fish Safe".)

Pond Installation

Time your pond building when the ground is not overly wet or frozen. Dig the hole according to the right depth and place (and secure) the pond liner. Then landscape the pond surroundings. Remove any rocks from the surrounding area. Add water, plants, and a pump. Let the pond sit for a few days before adding plants and fish. Let the plants settle for at least one week before placing the fish.

Then sit back and enjoy your backyard fish pond!

Resources to Help Build Your Fishpond:
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Video - Growing Vegetables In The Shade

In this helpful video, John explores some vegetables that grow well in the shade. Shade can be quite a challenge for gardeners, particularly if you are limited in your garden space and don't have many options for where to place your garden. But all is not lost! Remember that fruiting plants (e.g. tomatoes, peppers, etc.) generally need more than 6 hours of full sun per day, which may be doable in the middle of summer for many, but if not, roots, tubers, and leafy vegetables often do quite well in partial shade - some even better than in full sun. This video explains why this is, and what are some good vegetables to choose for your shady spaces. Some of them are unique and interesting vegetables that you may not have considered, so you may even find a new gem for your garden that you just love! (My parents grew many of these when I was growing up, so I have fond memories of Jerusalem artichokes and chufas!)

Growing Vegetables in the Shade - What Can I grow?
John of shares with you his experiences in growing vegetables and other food crops in the shade. Watch this video to learn which vegetables tend to grow better in the shade, and find out what happens when something is labeled...

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gardening In the Shade

Now that all the trees are fully leafed out, I am faced once again with my other yearly gardening battle (besides the squirrels) - how to grow vegetables in the shade. About half of my small garden space gets a couple of hours of sun per day. The rest gets more - probably 6 or 7 - in mid-summer, and 4-5 depending on the season the rest of the time. My sister sent me a link to this excellent article on what vegetables grow well in the shade - actually most of these are the kinds of things I grow already, so I guess I figured a lot of it out by trial and error.

Anyway, I thought some of you other sustainable gardeners might be facing the same challenge, so here are some helpful resources for gardening in the shade - whether you grow vegetables, or more of an ornamental type of garden.

The one my sister sent me - there is an article attached to it, but here is the list of shade-tolerant veggies, which I found very helpful:

Some other good articles to check out:

Cover of "The Complete Shade Gardener"
Cover of The Complete Shade Gardener
Connecticut NOFA: Gardening in the Shade
When CT NOFA tables at farmers markets and other environmental events, a lot of people drop by the table and ask questions about gardening. The complaint we hear so often is about gardening in the shade. At-home food ...
Publish Date: 05/18/2012 10:09

That Bloomin' Garden: Planting Vegetables in the Shade
When growing vegetables in partial shade to full shade let them have a bit more room as in low light they will tend to sprawl a bit. What I like about growing leafy vegetables in the shade is that they don't bolt as quickly and the ...
Publish Date: 04/23/2012 12:33

The best plants for shade
Having a shady yard doesn't mean that you have to give up on your garden all together; you just have to know what to plant!
Publish Date: 05/18/2012 12:35

Year-round Beauty in a Shade Garden - BLOGS - The Morning Call
“Almost universally, gardeners think of shade as a problem.” (George Schenk, The Complete Shade Gardener, 1st Edition) In reality, shade in the ornamental garden is more an opportunity than a problem. Pick the right plants ...
Publish Date: 04/23/2012 13:41

Little Homestead in Boise: Ten Vegetables You Can Grow in Shade ...
Ten Vegetables You Can Grow in Shade- I found this today, great timing since we've been building our new raised bed, which is part shade- 10 Veggies for Shade Good to know! New Raised Bed- Dave and I finally got the ...
Publish Date: 05/06/2012 20:15

Best Container Vegetables to Grow in the Shade | Urban Organic ...
You've scoped out your garden space… …and determined how much direct sunlight it gets. Your garden gets less than 6 hours and you feel hopeless. Sorry to break it to you, but that means you can't grow tomatoes.
Publish Date: 03/26/2012 4:37

Here are a few more resources you may want to look at. And check back Friday for a helpful video on this topic as well.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring Garden Update

It's my birthday today, and I thought it would be a good time to share an update from my own garden where I spend as much time as possible - I just realized I haven't done an update yet this year! Most of these pictures are actually a couple of weeks old, so by now some things are a lot bigger - especially the peas, which have far outgrown their wimpy trellis, and have become a tangled mat of inter-woven vines - they're finally blooming now though! I'll try to post an updated picture of those soon. Most of the other stuff hasn't changed all that much though, although I'm on to the next crop of mustard greens, and lettuce and green beans are starting to take off.

My garden this year is largely an experiment - partly because I'm growing a bunch of stuff I've never grown before (or at least haven't grown in Ohio), and partly because I'm following more of a succession planting model, as learned from Eliot Coleman's excellent books on year-round gardening. One thing bolts or comes to harvest time, and comes out, the next goes right in (along with some fertilizer), as opposed to my usual more lackadasical approach of just letting things run their course and die down before I do anything new with the bed. I hope to make the most of my little space using this method, and so far it seems to be working quite well.

Check out the April pictures below, and I'll try to post some updates soon! (Hyacinths and the pea trellis were from March.)
Happy Hyacinths (March).

Cute little home-made pea trellis.

Baby peas beginning their journey upwards!

Mustard & Onions - after a rain.

Garlic I planted last fall - looking huge & healthy!

Strawberries behind critter netting (they're a lot bigger now).

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Video - Compost Tea Experiment

This short but interesting video shows the results of an experiment in which one tomato plant was fed with compost tea, and the other received no compost. Just this little difference in feeding creates a huge difference in results, as you can see. Compost tea is easy to make yourself from your mature compost. (See our previous blog post for how to make compost tea.)

Check it out, and see just how much compost can benefit your organic garden!

Probiotic Garden - Comparison of tomato plant experiment using compost tea
Join Will today as he discusses how he teams with nature by enlisting the help of bacteria and fungi in actively aerated compost tea in the care of his garden. Will explains an experiment he has run this summer using two tomato plants. In this experi...

Learn More About Composting:
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Store-Bought Fertilizer Versus Home-Made Compost

You may wonder what the different benefits are between fertilizer purchased from the store and compost humus that you make at home.  The aim of both is the same - to improve the quality of your garden, lawn, and soil - but there are differences too.

A green compost bin.
A green compost bin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many fertilizers that you purchase at your garden center contain artificial or toxic elements to make your lawn and garden look nice – but not necessarily healthier. The benefit of this type of fertilization is the ability to purchase a mix that meets the needs of your specific lawn or garden.  If your lawn is too dry, patchy, or has a lot of weeds – if your garden is weedy or plagued by pests - there is a product available that can target each problem (be aware that a pesticide is part of this solution).  If you are using a commercial mix in your garden, read all labels carefully to ensure the product is safe to use around vegetation that is going to be consumed. If it's not approved for organic gardening, you really don't want it in your food!

In contrast, when you use compost humus as a fertilizer there isn’t a lot you can do to customize the end result.  But the good thing is, you don’t really need to.  Mature compost is a process that occurs naturally, and a well-composed compost contains a wide variety of minerals and nutrients to support a wide spectrum of plant growth.  The compost contains a wide range of benefits for your garden or lawn that do not involve chemicals.

Organic compost Sherfield on Loddon garden centre.
Organic compost for sale. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It will really depend on your personal preference, and your style of gardening, whether or not you use commercial fertilizer or compost.  If you like the idea of gardening organically and using compost but not the idea of making it yourself you can purchase the compost from some gardening centers, or even online.  Also contact your city’s recycling department, as they may have a program set-up that allows residents to donate food and other organic waste for composting and then share in the mature compost when it is ready.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Composting Methods & Bacteria

The most common way to compost organic material into usable fertilizer is to make use of naturally occurring microbes to use the material as food and energy.  Other than ensuring your pile has enough water, food, and air, you can leave the rest of the job to the ever-helpful fungi and bacteria. 

Freshly bedded worm bin, garden waste mixed wi...
Freshly bedded worm bin, garden waste mixed with finished aerobic compost (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The types of microbes you want to inhabit your composter are aerobic, meaning they need oxygen to thrive and live.  You can make sure they have enough air by aerating the compost heap (turning it over with a rake or fork) - or use a compost tumbler which is easily turned.  Another way to ensure there is good air circulation is to add a material such as wood chips or straw – both are bulky and are not easily compressed.  This makes sure the air can get in and do its job.

The other kind of microbes that can convert your waste are anaerobic (they do not need oxygen to survive).  This may sound like a great alternative – not having to worry if enough air is available.  But the unpleasant side effect of having anaerobic microbes in your compost bin is smell.  Without enough air, there will be a distinct rotting garbage smell emanating from your bin. 

Another way to compost is to use red worms to help decompose the organic waste.  This form of composting is known as vermicomposting or vermiposting. The red earthworms can quickly turn your table scraps into compost.  To help the process along it is recommended that you chop or cut the organic material you add to the composter first.  This is an optional step but will yield faster results.  Only food scraps, paper or yard waste is recommended for this type of composting.  You can purchase red worms at your local pet or fishing supply store.

A number of different composters are available for either type of composting. A few examples are below.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Video - Growing Summer Squash

Well, here we are in May, and danger of frost is past in most areas of the US by now, or soon will be, which means - it will soon be time to plant summer squash!  Summer squash is one of the favorite vegetables of the summer garden, as it's easy to grow, grows quickly, and produces a lot. In fact, for a small family or single gardener, you'll probably only need a few plants. You can extend the harvest, if you like, by successive plantings, but be aware that certain pests love summer squash, so you may have more success with the first few plantings, before the squash bugs get too bad. For a few more tips, see the short video below.

Vegetable Gardening : How to Grow Summer Squash
Summer squash, which includes zucchini, is a warm-weather plant that loves the heat of the summer months. Use a rototiller to get summer squash out of the ground with help from an organic farmer in this free video on vegetable gardening and horticult...

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Planting Your Summer Garden

When it comes to planting your garden the first thing you need to focus on is planning. Once you have a handle on the things you want to plant, where you want to plant them, and what the needs of your individual plants will be, it's time to really dig in and get your hands dirty. Of course, for many gardeners this is the best thing about growing a summer garden (though some will argue that the results are the best thing).

transplanting plants from starter pots to the ...
transplanting plants from starter pots to the garden (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Before the planting begins however you should take a calendar and mark the days that each part of your summer garden will be planted. Different flowers and vegetables have different growing seasons. Some prosper by earlier plantings while others thrive by later plantings. If you are planting a summer vegetable garden then many of the plants will need a precise number of days between planting and harvesting. Both the plant and harvest days should be noted. This also however provides an excellent opportunity to plant more of the vegetable (and some flowers) every two weeks to provide a continuous rotation of the vegetable you love throughout the gardening season.

Plants that are known to take up a great deal of space on the ground when left to their own devices (cucumbers, melons, squash, etc.) may be trained to climb poles that you set up in the garden for them. If space is limited, this is highly recommended. Doing this also provides an opportunity to shade plants that prefer less direct sunlight when planted next to these climbing vines that are climbing vertically. Also make sure you have enough stakes for all the plants that require them for best effect.

Plant your plants so that those needing shade get the shade they need and those that require the most water are located on a downward slope so that they get the water that runs off from the plants that require lesser amounts of water. This is a trick of conservationists and seasoned gardeners that makes the most of sometimes limited resources such as water for the purpose of creating a better environment for optimal growth. At the same time you want to avoid planting vegetables and flowers that require less water at the bottom of these slopes as they are likely to become over hydrated, which can be just as devastating as not getting enough water.

Compost (Photo credit: nancybeetoo)
Make sure your soil is healthy so that it can create the healthy plants you are hoping to have. Fertilize the soil in which these plants, flowers, and vegetables will be grown with plenty of compost. This provides the foundation necessary for optimal performance from your plants and greatest yield from your vegetables. You should also take great care once the planting has taken place that the plants, flowers, and vegetables that make up your summer garden are well fed in order to produce even better results. There are plenty of organic fertilizers and plant foods from which to choose nowadays, or make your own compost tea from well-decomposed compost. (See our recent blog post on this for how-tos:

Plan your pest control before you begin planting your garden. There are some plants, flowers, and herbs that work as natural pest controls. These make an excellent addition to your garden as they offer no harmful side effect and can rid your garden of many of the pests that provide constant head aches. Another thing you may wish to consider is the use of chicken wire to protect some of your plants from things a little bigger than the average bug. The more humane the methods of pest control and the less you rely on pesticides the better. (For a few good home-made pest remedies, check out this recent blog post: )

And most of all, enjoy getting out in your garden and having a little one-on-one time with nature! It's good for the body and the soul.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Versatility Of The Summer Garden

There is no hard and fast rule as to what a summer garden should be. This means that your personal vision for your summer garden is going to be quite achievable if you take the time to do the proper research and plan the planting for your summer gardening wisely and with great care. One thing is certain, planting wisely can produce a summer garden that is beautiful and maintains some degree of natural pest control. Your summer garden can produce fruit, vegetables, flowers, and may even be designed in order to attract certain birds or butterflies if that is your aim. Of course, your summer garden may also be designed to accomplish more than one of these goals as well. That's the beauty of the versatility of your average summer garden.

Summer Garden
Summer Garden (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here are a few things to consider. Versatility in a summer garden means that you aren't committed to one prevailing purpose or theme. This means that it is not at all inappropriate to plant a few flowering plants or herbs as pest control along with your favorite summertime vegetable offerings. At the same time it is completely acceptable to add a few vegetables that you just can't seem to live without in your flower garden or amid the plants in a garden of greenery.

When it comes to colors, the possibilities of the average summer garden are almost limitless. There are plenty of brightly colored flowers that hallmark the summer season and bring a little splash of color to a world that is often drained of color by the sometimes blinding summer sunshine. By bringing a few well placed colors into your garden as a highlight or border you are adding dramatic appeal. If you choose to make your garden a sea of brightly colored flowers, plants, leaves, and vines you can also achieve great effects. Be prepared to spend a great deal of time tending a garden of this nature however as many of the brightly colored flowering plants are attention and space hogs to some degree.

If you live in a dryer climate you also have the option of using low water landscaping or creative conservation techniques in order to create a garden that is lovely in its own right. A garden doesn't have to be excessively green or full of bright vividly colored flowers in order to be beautiful. By using landscaping techniques that are conservative in nature you are making your own conservation efforts and the rest of the planet should appreciate not only the effort but also the beauty of the creation that was born of that effort.

If you prefer nice lush greenery and live in a climate that will accommodate this particular style of summer garden there is no reason to avoid this either. Be sure to use some conservation efforts though because you never know when drought conditions may present themselves in climates that are typically quite moderate as we are learning in the Midwest over the past few years.

Summer vegetable garden in Roseville, Minnesota
Summer vegetable garden in Roseville, Minnesota (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vegetable gardens are yet another option when creating your summer garden and another fine example of just how versatile these gardens may be. Keep in mind that many people are discovering the beauty of vertical gardening and hanging plants for a few favorite vegetables and this may be an option if you wish to use limited space wisely and to greater effect.

Another option when it comes to showing the incredible versatility of the summer garden is raised gardening. This is quite literally planting your garden above the ground. Some people create elaborate 'sand boxes' of sorts in which the garden is planted. This allows great versatility for those with smaller spaces in which to plant their gardens as well as those who have landscaping issues that are inhospitable for gardening.

These are but a few examples of just how versatile a summer garden may be but I think they provide excellent insight and food for thought for those who are looking for a little something new and different for their summer gardens. Get creative, and have fun with your summer garden this year!
For More Fun Summer Gardening Ideas: 
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Video - Pea Shoot Salad with White Wine Vinaigrette

This video from Grow, Cook, Eat (fast becoming one of my favorite video series!) demonstrates how to use pea shoots (something I've never eaten before) from your organic garden to make this delicious spring treat. (Note: You shouldn't make this salad from non-organic ingredients, since you're eating some of the leaves of the plant. Hopefully you're already gardening organically anyway though!)

I've never thought of eating pea shoots before, but this just goes to show how versatile the plants in your garden really are, and how many great ways there are to use them - since I'm actually growing peas this year, I may try this one as I can get to enjoy my peas, even before the pea pods come along! Check it out, and of course feel free to share your own variations in the comments section below.

Grow. Cook. Eat. - Pea Shoots Salad & White Wine
A fresh take on a traditional salad, this recipe incorporates pea shoots and Romano cheese to give vibrant bursts of flavor to an otherwise ordinary dish. Create healthy, wholesome dishes with helpful hints from an organic gardener in this free video...

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Growing Your Own Herbs for Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are delicious and refreshing. (Yes, yes, for all you tea enthusiasts, I know they aren't really "teas" - they're infusions, but let's dispense with the formalities here, shall we?) Herbal teas can also promote good health, and some are used to combat various ailments. You can buy the herbs, roots and flowers you need to make various types of herbal tea at health food stores. But growing your own herbs allows you to have everything you need at hand any time you want a good cup of tea - plus you know they're organic and fresh, and it's so much more satisfying to drink something you grew yourself!

Lemon balm herbal tea
Lemon balm herbal tea (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most of the herbs used to make tea are easy to grow. You can even plant many of them in containers if planting them in the ground isn't an option, or simply if it's more convenient. Here are some good herbs to use for making tea, along with some things to keep in mind when growing them.

* Mint – There are many different types of mint, and most of them make wonderful tea. Peppermint is one of the most popular. If you have more adventurous tastes, try pineapple mint or orange mint. Mints are generally hardy plants, and they will spread if allowed to do so. They are best grown in containers or planted in the ground in the middle of tall, bottomless containers, so they don't take over the whole garden, which they will if you let them. Tea is made from the leaves.

* Lemon balm – Closely related to mint, lemon balm also makes a tasty tea. It has a minty lemon flavor. Lemon balm grows best in dry soil and partial shade. The leaves are used to make tea.

* Chamomile – Chamomile tea is very soothing, and it is also used to treat a variety of health problems. It is very easy to grow. Chamomile grows best in sunny, moist areas. The flowers are used for making tea.

A variant of apple mint, pineapple mint, displ...
A variant of apple mint, pineapple mint, displays white variegation on its leaves, Pierce County, Washington (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
* Lavender – If you're looking for a tea to help you unwind after a stressful day, lavender tea is a great choice. Lavender is well known for its calming effect, and it can help relieve tension headaches. It needs full sun and well drained soil to flourish. Use the buds for tea making.

* Coriander – Also known as cilantro, this herb is most often used in cooking, but it makes a nice tea as well. It has a unique spicy, citrusy flavor. Coriander grows in full sun or partial shade. The leaves OR seeds are used to make tea.

* Violet – Violet tea is quite refreshing, and it's also a great source of vitamins A and C. Violets grow best in shady areas. Tea is made from the dried leaves and flowers of the plant.

* Thyme – Another herb that is usually used for cooking, thyme has a spicy flavor. Thyme tea is most often used for medicinal purposes, as it is good for sore throat and stomach problems. Thyme grows best in full sun or partial shade. Leaves and flowers may be used to make tea.

Almost anyone can grow an herbal tea garden. Many of these herbs do well indoors in containers as long as they get adequate sunlight. You don't need a lot of space to produce enough herbs to make tea any time you like. You can also grow a variety of herbs together in one container, for an interesting mix of colors, textures, and flavors.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Eating Your Garden: Healthy Fresh Spring Salads

I know we don't talk a lot about eating on here - usually I save this for the Cooking From Scratch blog - but sometimes learning about all the fun stuff you can make with the foods you grew yourself can be really inspiring, and can even encourage you to plant some new items in your garden that you haven't tried before. This time of year, as the days get longer, the sun gets hotter, and the soil gets warmer, many gardens are picking up steam pretty quickly. In many parts of the country, fresh and tasty spring offerings such as asparagus, lettuce, peas, and other spring greens are already available. And strawberries aren't far behind - yum!

First Salad of the Season
First Salad of the Season (Photo credit: Chiot's Run)
As the weather warms up more and more fruits and vegetables become available, this means more opportunities to enjoy the delicious fruits of your labors. Here are three tasty and healthy spring salad recipes to try.

#1 Strawberry Spinach Salad

Spinach is rich in nutrients and the strawberries add a nice sweet touch to this tasty salad.

* 12 ounces of fresh baby spinach
* 2  pints fresh strawberries thinly sliced
* ½ thinly sliced red onion
* Crumbled chevre or goat cheese
* Chopped walnuts

Poppy Seed Dressing Ingredients:
* 1/2  cup  cider vinegar
* 1  tablespoon  minced onion
* 1/2  teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
* 1/4  teaspoon  salt
* 1  cup  vegetable oil
* 2  tablespoons  poppy seeds
* Honey to taste

Combine dressing ingredients and whisk well. Toss baby spinach with dressing. Place on serving plate. Sprinkle walnuts, strawberries and chevre on top of salad. Eat and enjoy!

#2 Cucumber Avocado Tomato Salad

Salad with avocado and red onion
Salad with avocado and red onion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In many areas, this one's more of a summer treat, but if it's not time for these veggies yet where you are, save this one for later! Avocados are packed with healthy fats and they taste decadent. This salad is quick to prepare and tasty too.

* 1 large cucumber halved lengthwise, seeded, and sliced
* 2 medium tomatoes seeded and diced
* 1 avocado, diced
* 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
* 1 tablespoon lime juice
* 1 teaspoon Italian herb salad dressing mix or Italian mixed spices.

To a medium bowl, add chopped cucumber, tomato, and avocado.
In a small dish combine olive oil, lime juice and herbs/salad dressing mix. Whisk until well combined. Pour over chopped vegetables and serve immediately.

#3 Tasty Nut and Pear Salad

This pleasant spring or fall salad combines the flavors of both fresh and dried fruits with the savory flavors of nuts and Swiss cheese.

* 16 oz romaine lettuce leaves, torn in bite-size pieces
* 6-oz. Swiss cheese
* 1  cup  roasted, salted cashews
* 1/2  cup  sweetened dried cranberries like Craisins
* 1  large apple, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
* 1  large pear, cored and thinly sliced

Poppy Seed Dressing Ingredients
* 2/3  cup  light olive oil
* Honey to taste, approximately ¼ cup
* 1/3  cup  lemon juice
* 1 1/2  tablespoons  poppy seeds
* 2  teaspoons  finely chopped onion
* 1  teaspoon  Dijon mustard

Combine salad ingredients in a large bowl. In a smaller dish blend dressing ingredients until smooth. You can use a blender or whisk by hand, whichever you prefer. Dress salad according to your preferences. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Spring is the perfect time to adorn your table with a variety of salads fresh from the garden. And preparing salads for lunch or dinner also helps you consume your recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables. Try these three recipes out this spring and enjoy the fruits of your garden!

And for more great healthy and tasty recipes, check out our Cooking From Scratch blog.
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