Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring Garden Update

It's my birthday today, and I thought it would be a good time to share an update from my own garden where I spend as much time as possible - I just realized I haven't done an update yet this year! Most of these pictures are actually a couple of weeks old, so by now some things are a lot bigger - especially the peas, which have far outgrown their wimpy trellis, and have become a tangled mat of inter-woven vines - they're finally blooming now though! I'll try to post an updated picture of those soon. Most of the other stuff hasn't changed all that much though, although I'm on to the next crop of mustard greens, and lettuce and green beans are starting to take off.

My garden this year is largely an experiment - partly because I'm growing a bunch of stuff I've never grown before (or at least haven't grown in Ohio), and partly because I'm following more of a succession planting model, as learned from Eliot Coleman's excellent books on year-round gardening. One thing bolts or comes to harvest time, and comes out, the next goes right in (along with some fertilizer), as opposed to my usual more lackadasical approach of just letting things run their course and die down before I do anything new with the bed. I hope to make the most of my little space using this method, and so far it seems to be working quite well.

Check out the April pictures below, and I'll try to post some updates soon! (Hyacinths and the pea trellis were from March.)
Happy Hyacinths (March).

Cute little home-made pea trellis.

Baby peas beginning their journey upwards!

Mustard & Onions - after a rain.

Garlic I planted last fall - looking huge & healthy!

Strawberries behind critter netting (they're a lot bigger now).

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