Thursday, May 17, 2012

Store-Bought Fertilizer Versus Home-Made Compost

You may wonder what the different benefits are between fertilizer purchased from the store and compost humus that you make at home.  The aim of both is the same - to improve the quality of your garden, lawn, and soil - but there are differences too.

A green compost bin.
A green compost bin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many fertilizers that you purchase at your garden center contain artificial or toxic elements to make your lawn and garden look nice – but not necessarily healthier. The benefit of this type of fertilization is the ability to purchase a mix that meets the needs of your specific lawn or garden.  If your lawn is too dry, patchy, or has a lot of weeds – if your garden is weedy or plagued by pests - there is a product available that can target each problem (be aware that a pesticide is part of this solution).  If you are using a commercial mix in your garden, read all labels carefully to ensure the product is safe to use around vegetation that is going to be consumed. If it's not approved for organic gardening, you really don't want it in your food!

In contrast, when you use compost humus as a fertilizer there isn’t a lot you can do to customize the end result.  But the good thing is, you don’t really need to.  Mature compost is a process that occurs naturally, and a well-composed compost contains a wide variety of minerals and nutrients to support a wide spectrum of plant growth.  The compost contains a wide range of benefits for your garden or lawn that do not involve chemicals.

Organic compost Sherfield on Loddon garden centre.
Organic compost for sale. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It will really depend on your personal preference, and your style of gardening, whether or not you use commercial fertilizer or compost.  If you like the idea of gardening organically and using compost but not the idea of making it yourself you can purchase the compost from some gardening centers, or even online.  Also contact your city’s recycling department, as they may have a program set-up that allows residents to donate food and other organic waste for composting and then share in the mature compost when it is ready.

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