Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Composting Methods & Bacteria

The most common way to compost organic material into usable fertilizer is to make use of naturally occurring microbes to use the material as food and energy.  Other than ensuring your pile has enough water, food, and air, you can leave the rest of the job to the ever-helpful fungi and bacteria. 

Freshly bedded worm bin, garden waste mixed wi...
Freshly bedded worm bin, garden waste mixed with finished aerobic compost (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The types of microbes you want to inhabit your composter are aerobic, meaning they need oxygen to thrive and live.  You can make sure they have enough air by aerating the compost heap (turning it over with a rake or fork) - or use a compost tumbler which is easily turned.  Another way to ensure there is good air circulation is to add a material such as wood chips or straw – both are bulky and are not easily compressed.  This makes sure the air can get in and do its job.

The other kind of microbes that can convert your waste are anaerobic (they do not need oxygen to survive).  This may sound like a great alternative – not having to worry if enough air is available.  But the unpleasant side effect of having anaerobic microbes in your compost bin is smell.  Without enough air, there will be a distinct rotting garbage smell emanating from your bin. 

Another way to compost is to use red worms to help decompose the organic waste.  This form of composting is known as vermicomposting or vermiposting. The red earthworms can quickly turn your table scraps into compost.  To help the process along it is recommended that you chop or cut the organic material you add to the composter first.  This is an optional step but will yield faster results.  Only food scraps, paper or yard waste is recommended for this type of composting.  You can purchase red worms at your local pet or fishing supply store.

A number of different composters are available for either type of composting. A few examples are below.

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