Thursday, November 22, 2012

Common Misconceptions About Composting

Composting can benefit your garden and the planet (when done on a large scale) in many ways.  But a lot of people may shy away from composting because of some common myths or misconceptions.  Below we list some of the most common myths, and expose the truth about them.

Myth: Composting is creating new dirt.
Truth: Actually composting is not dirt, soil, or earth but it is humus – decayed matter that provides nutrients to soil.

English: Composting
Composting Process (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Myth: It takes a lot of time and effort to compost. 
Truth: Once you have your compost bin set up you will only have to add new materials and turn or rotate the piles once in a while.

Myth: Having a compost is too smelly. 
Truth: If your compost bin has a bad odor, something is wrong.  You need to ensure there is enough air circulation and the right combination of green and brown materials, and then there shouldn't be any bad odor.

Myth: If I have a compost in my back yard, animals are going to come and dig through
Truth: If you have a cover for your compost bin and ensure a good layer of brown material (at least one inch) is on the top you should not have any animal control problems. (Or just get a tumbler or bin with a locking top.)

Myth: If I don’t measure the exact ratio of green to brown materials it will not work. 
Truth: Composting is not an exact science. If you add more green food one week and then balance it out with additional brown food the next week – that is fine.  You will be able to tell with time what your compost pile is lacking or needing.

Composting is easy, environmentally friendly, and an inexpensive way to fertilize your lawn, garden, or house plants.  With some time and patience your mature compost will be ready to use with minimal work involved.

Now have a Happy Thanksgiving, and be sure to compost all those dinner scraps!

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