Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Helping Nature by Composting

If you are still find it hard to understand the nature of composting, it can actually be simplified. It can easily be compared to recycling. Instead of throwing out all your waste and garbage, or at least what you consider as garbage, you can sort that out. In recycling, you need to pick the things that can still be transformed into other materials so that you can use them for different purposes.

CompostImage via WikipediaWith the products of compost, you will not pick things out of the garbage pile to be able to come up with other things that will be useful to you on your everyday life.

Composting entails the recycling of the materials that can be found on nature. Common examples of this would be dried leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or fruit peelings, animal manure, and sawdust, among others.

This will be especially helpful if you are into organic gardening. This method requires the use of organic materials. That means that you cannot turn to synthetic products, especially for the purpose of fertilizers and pesticides. And it is quite possible. Your compost can make the soil for this type of gardening healthy and happy. As a result, it will produce healthy crops and chemical-free plants.

Garden waste for compostingImage via WikipediaOrganic gardening may sound complicated to the novice ears. But if you put your heart into it, you will find  that all the hard work that you will spend doing this will all be worth it. But even if you don't have time to start a big organic garden, you can still try your hand in making compost. This can also apply with people living in urban zones. Even in such situations, you can still do a little gardening by having your plants in pots. No, you don't have to go organic all the way - "cold turkey," as they say. But using the products of your compost as a fertilizer can actually engage you with the project and may start your curiosity towards the real organic gardening thing.

Besides, everything nowadays seems to be marketed as organic. Look at the grocery aisles. There are organic food, organic soap, organic tissue, cloth and everything. This seems to be the trend. And nature is definitely not complaining.

By going out of your way to do composting, consider nature sending out her appreciation your way. And may this inspire you to do other things to help with the causes of Mother Earth.

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