Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Benefits of Gardening for Kids

If you take a look around, you may notice how nature is treated these days.  It is a sad thing to know that people do not pay all that much attention to environmental problems, which basically means we are slowly but surely destroying this beautiful planet we live on.

What can we do about this?

harvest: enormous cucumberImage by woodleywonderworks via FlickrOne of the best ways to make lasting change is to start with the children. Getting children involved early with environment-friendly activities helps them to learn how their actions can help or hurt the world they live in, and can give them a feeling of excitement at the things they can do to make positive changes. One such nature-loving activity that children can easily get into is gardening.

Here are some of the benefits that gardening offers children:

1.  An Intimate Knowledge of Science

In planting, children are indirectly taught the wonders of science like the plant's life cycle and how human intervention can break or make the environment.  They can have first-hand experience of the miracle of life through following a seed from germination all the way through harvest.

2.  A Deeper Understanding of Life

Watching a seed grow into a tree is just as wondrous as the conception to birth and growth of a child.  In time, kids will learn to love their plants and appreciate the life in them. Gardening could actually help simulate how life should be treated -- it should be with care. The necessities to live will be emphasized to kids with the help of gardening - water, sunlight, air, soil. Those necessities could easily be corresponded to human necessities, i.e., water, shelter, air, food.  And in the importance of weeding, one could educate children how bad influences should be avoided in order to live a healthy and thriving life.

Permaculture GardeningImage by Rjabinnik and Rounien via Flickr3.  Relaxation

Studies show that gardening can reduce stress because of its calming effect. This is applicable to any age group.  More so, it stimulates all the five senses.  Believe it or not, gardening may even be used as therapy for children who have been abused or those who are members of broken homes.  Having a sense of creation and control over one's environment builds self-esteem, which is essential for a healthy child. 

4.  Quality Time with the Family

One reason adults love to garden is that it can help them forget about the stresses of work and everyday life.  You can take advantage of your time in the garden to spend quality time with your children.  You can talk while watering the plants or you can work quietly beside each other. You might even discover a lot of new things about your child while mingling with them in your garden. 

Help your kids become aware of their environment's needs. And one way to jumpstart that environmental education may be through gardening.  It's hitting two birds with one stone -- teach them to respect life while you bond with them - it's a win-win all around.
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