Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gardening Magazines - Some of the Best

If you're an avid gardener, a gardening magazine can be your best friend. There are many gardening magazines available, on just about any topic you can imagine, ranging from the most basic beginner gardening info, to advance strategies for experience gardeners. But would you like to know which stands out from the rest? Here are a selection of gardening magazines that anyone in love with his or her garden will appreciate.

For organic gardeners, ORGANIC GARDENING MAGAZINE is the ultimate guide to gardening. Since 1942, Organic Gardening has been delivering well-researched, practical and timely information and useful products and services. As the essential resource for any gardener, it provides current and authoritative information, with a focus on making the process of gardening fun and easy.

Fine Gardening (magazine)Image via WikipediaOr how about a gardening magazine for those who want to become a better gardener? FINE GARDENING MAGAZINE from The Taunton Press brings you amazing design ideas, beneficial techniques, and the know-how to get the best results from your gardening endeavors.

In each issue you'll find eye-opening bits of advice from the experts, detailed information on all types of plants, effective techniques and time-saving tips, straightforward tool reviews from editors and readers and planting suggestions for specific regions.

But for more intensive information on how to maintain a garden packed with style and color, then you'll want to read GARDEN DESIGN. This gardening magazine brings out eye-popping photos, illustrations and useful recommendations on how to create a picture-perfect garden. It is written and designed for those who are passionate about their homes and gardens. Garden Design is more than just a dig-in-the-dirt gardening magazine; it's for people who enjoy bringing in more aesthetic value for their homes through their gardens.

Garden Design encourages you to create stylish outdoor living spaces and rare gardens through cultivating rare breeds of plants, with updates on the best tools and techniques. It contains magnificent photographs and articles that capture the imaginations of gardeners everywhere.

Natural Home & GardenOr check out NATURAL HOME & GARDEN, the authority on green lifestyle and design. With an up-to-date outlook on current trends in sustainable building and wholesome living, Natural Home & Garden gives today’s eco-conscious homeowners the information they need to live in nurturing, healthy homes, and grow lovely and sustainable gardens in their own backyards.

And for Brits, THE ENGLISH GARDEN often showcases the more unusual gardens around the UK. An English-style garden is, arguably, the quintessential ideal of every serious gardener; THE ENGLISH GARDEN magazine is a magazine devoted to this idyllic gardening tradition. It introduces wonderful new ways to enjoy garden sights and scents, and features lovely photographs of amazing gardens to delight and inspire.

Gardening Magazines:
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