Thursday, February 24, 2011

Germinating Seeds Inside

It's almost time! To get a head start on your summer gardening, many seeds can be started indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Although it may not feel like it, in many areas of the country, this is NOW! Here are some tips for getting your new garden going.

It doesn’t matter if the seeds you are starting are going to be making their way outdoors once germinated or if they are going to be additions to your indoor garden – starting seeds inside is the best way to ensure success.  Tiny seeds and seedlings do not do well with harsh weather changes and a late frost or excessive rain can prevent them from growing.  (And of course, there is also the problem of birds eating all your seeds if they spot them and identify them as a tasty breakfast!) Starting them inside can give them a good head start, so when it is warm enough to plant them out, they will already be well-established and ready to take off. This can be a great help to those of us with a shorter growing season.

Sunflower seedlings, just three days after ger...Image via WikipediaThere are many commercial helpers you can buy to make germinating seeds an easy project, such as peat pellets that come with a miniature hot house require nothing more than adding water to the seed and peat and covering with the supplied lid.  (Personally I love these - you can buy package of about 20 of the compacted ones for less than $2.00, and when the plants get big enough, you can pop the whole thing right in the ground without disturbing the roots, which causes a minimum of stress on the new seedling. See below for examples.) But if you don't want to buy such things, really all you need are some water, high-quality soil, sunlight and time.

Like growing plants, seeds like to be kept moist, and a good drainage system in the pot is necessary so they do not get too much water. Don’t count on all of the seeds sprouting -- even if you have purchased seeds from a reputable source some will be duds.  For this reason, make sure you plant more of each seed than the desired number of plants you are looking for.

As the seedlings begin to sprout, continue to keep them moist and turn them regularly to create even sun exposure.  When the leaves start to come out (and it is warm enough outside) you can begin the process of transplanting.  Whether you are going to be growing the plants indoors or outdoors it is the same procedure.  Gently take the new seedling out of its container (try to disturb the roots as little as possible), and plant it in a new pot. Or if you are taking it outside you can plant it directly into the ground. If you are planting it outside, you may want to provide it with a little shade for a couple of days, and let it get used to the outdoors, so the sun isn't too harsh for it at first. And remember to water it in well!

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Indoor Seed Starting Resources (Organic Gardening):

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