Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Adding Large Potted Plants to Your Garden

Big pots can make an impressive statement in any garden, particularly if they have big healthy plants in them. Many small trees and shrubs will grow well in big pots provided they have sufficient room for their roots.

The bigger the pot you buy the better - within reason for the size of the plant you intend having in the pot and also provided your budget can stretch that far. This will ensure your plant won't outgrow the pot too soon or sometimes even at all.

Plants. Güímar.
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you will need to remove and re-pot the plant/tree as it grows bigger, you should take special care in selecting a pot that is shaped in such a manner that the contents will be able to be removed without having to break the pot. Tapered pots will make this easier whereas pots that are wider in the middle than the top can present problems if the roots have spread out.

Don't fill the pot to the top with potting mix, as this won't leave any room for effective watering.

To ensure their good health you should always buy the best quality outdoor potting mix. You should also feed your potted plant or tree with some slow release organic fertilizer two or three times a year to ensure it is getting good nutrition.

Plants in pots can easily dry out and not get enough moisture so it is also a wise move to give them some water storage crystals or incorporate some other water-holding organic elements into the soil. This will help to maintain the moisture content in the soil. Regardless, if the pot is in the sun it will need more water, depending on the type of plant you have in the pot.

Darker colored pots will also attract more heat and this can affect the growth of your plant so you need to consider where the pot will be to ensure there is sufficient sunlight and also enough easy access to water for it to survive.

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