Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Utilizing Small Spaces in the Garden

There are often small oddly-shaped spaces in the garden that are left abandoned simply because we can't think of anything to do with them.

This doesn't have to be the case as almost any area can be enhanced with a little thought and planning. Simply adding a garden seat can add to the enjoyment you can get from a garden as it offers a quiet place to rest and relax and look at the beauty of your work.

English: Greenbank Garden Water feature in Gre...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Replacing a wet area with some paving and adding a pot or two can transform an unused area into a place that you and your garden friends will like to visit. Even adding a water feature or a pond for fish will make areas like this a lovely focal point of the garden. There are so many things that can be done to almost any area of any garden that you are only limited by your imagination.

Careful design can make an area look bigger than it is, or lead you on to other areas of interest in the garden. Color choices in the surrounding plants will also determine the atmosphere that area will create for you. We need these small areas of the garden that are tucked away to compliment the bigger spaces and add a degree of mystery and intrigue to the overall plan.

There are other alternatives if you don't want the focus to be taken away from the main planting and this might mean that the area will be used better for hiding away an implements shed or, provided it is in a sunny position you might decide to use the space for a greenhouse so that you can extend your garden season into the cooler months - or even garden year-round!

Sometimes, with a little thought, these spaces on your property can become your favorite places, rather than something that you would prefer to forget about.

And if you can't think of anything whatsoever to do with such a space, then it sounds like it may be an ideal place to have a compost!
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