Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Getting Children Into Gardening

If you have ever wondered how to keep your children productively occupied for hours on end then it's time to introduce them to the joys of gardening!

Children can really enjoy growing plants particularly if they have their own area of the garden where they can see the results of their own efforts growing there. It will give them a sense of reward to see what they have been able to accomplish, whether it is a lovely bouquet of flowers, or fresh, tasty vegetables they grew themselves and now get to contribute towards the family dinner.

English: Children gardening
Children gardening (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Gardening is also a very healthy pastime that will get them out of the house and into the fresh air. It will do a lot more good for their health than sitting in front of a computer screen or playing on their PlayStation all day.

They will also be learning about gardening and as this is one of the most popular hobbies it will give them a knowledge base that they will benefit from for years to come.

Gardening can also help to relieve stress and fatigue and there are more and more children suffering from that these days. And it can increase confidence and self-esteem, which are important things to instill in your children from an early age.

By getting your children to work alongside you in the garden, it will help to build better family relationships too, and that is something that no amount of money could ever buy.

Some children may even use their gardening skills to make a few dollars of their own by selling the plants and vegetables that they have grown in their own garden to others during their school holidays. Not only do they get a sense of accomplishment from this but they can also get monetary reward for their work. If you have ever seen the delight on a child's face after they have sold something that they have grown themselves in their own garden then you will know exactly what I mean. It can be more exciting than opening their presents on Christmas Day!

Gardening has many great benefits for children, so don't keep it all to yourself - involve them from an early age, and when they're old enough, give them their own little garden plot to tend and care for. It is an investment in them that will yield dividends for many years to come.

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