Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why You Should Start an Indoor Garden

The aesthetic appeal of having plants inside your house is the reason the majority of people decide to start gardening indoors.  Whether you have researched and planned yet or not, there are additional benefits that are derived when a green space is created inside your house. 

Photosynthesis equations and descriptionsImage by Martin LaBar via FlickrThe décor aspect of inside greenery is a given, plants add to and beautify space – indoors and outdoors.  The different plans choices available include various colors, sizes, shapes, flowering vs. non-flowering...and this is just the tip of the plant life iceberg. 

Just as trees and plants are crucial to our air quality outside, plants can provide the same service for you inside your home (especially important during the closed-in, cooped up winter months).  By taking in carbon dioxide from our breathing, plants flourish.  If you smoke inside your home (which hopefully you don't!), plants can help clean the air of the excess carbon dioxide.  Besides the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide, plants will purify the air from other unhealthy elements such as air-bound mold particles.  This makes them a natural air filter for your home.

better than a half dead bonsaiImage by Rob 'n' Rae via FlickrIt is well known that gardening is a relaxing past-time.  Having an indoor garden will give you the benefit of this relaxation year round when it is too cold outside to garden.  If you live in an apartment, an outdoor garden may not be possible.  Gardening inside is only limited by the amount of space you want to dedicate to it in your home.  Beautifying your living space and caring for living plants makes owning an indoor garden a peaceful endeavor.

Another benefit of indoor gardening is you can decide how much time you have or want to dedicate to caring for the plants.  If you want a plant that has to be watered less go for a cactus, or if you want the challenge of coaxing a flowering tree to blossom buy a camellia.

Keep your eye out for more indoor gardening ideas coming to this blog throughout the winter months - we've got to keep our green thumbs moist and at the ready for when spring rolls around!

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