Thursday, January 13, 2011

Temperature Regulation for Indoor Plants

Keeping your indoor garden happy throughout the year can mean doing some form of temperature regulation, which can vary through the different seasons. Depending on the individual plant different temperature and humidity levels are recommended.  But in general, plants don’t like it too hot, too cold, or too dry (with certain exceptions of course).  Finding and keeping a balance is important to the survival of your plants.  To make it easier on you, the gardener, select plants that thrive in similar weather conditions to the inside of your home.

Thermometer with Fahrenheit units on the outer...Image via WikipediaConsistency in temperature is important to plants.  Once you find the ideal temperature, try and maintain it daily.  It is okay for the plants to be colder at night time; this is natural as the same happens outside in nature when the sun goes down.  An average temperature range is 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit (18-23 degrees Celsius) during the day and a drop in temperature to 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit (15-18 degrees Celsius) is acceptable.  As this is within the temperature range most houses are kept at this should not be hard to maintain.

You may be tempted to place a plant beside a sunny window to keep it nice and warm.  Just remember that exposure to extreme temperature ranges is not good for a plant.  It can get overheated during the day and then too cold at night.  Give the plants natural sunlight but doing so on a windowsill is not recommended except for plants that like that type of thing (or if your windows are very well insulated).

Inside a house is a lot dryer than outside.  A lot of plants like at least some moisture in the air.  Controlling the humidity in the house will help the plants (and you!) if it tends to get dry inside - especially in the winter season of heaters and fireplaces.  You can purchase a mister or humidifier for your house, or another option is to get the plant’s leaves wet.  By taking a spray bottle, you can lightly spray the leaves or you can use a cloth or sponge.  (But take care of any special instructions your plant may have, as some do not like to get their leaves wet.)

With just a bit of care, you should be able to maintain a climate that is comfortable for both you and your plants, so that you both live long, happy, and healthy lives!

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