Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tasty & Unique Plants to Add To Your Garden

If you take a look at the average garden bed you're likely going to find your standard vegetable garden staples. Neat rows of carrots, nicely staked peas, and plump red radishes are great choices, but some of us out there want to live on the wild side and grow something new or different. If you're looking to add a little flair of excitement to your vegetable garden this year then look no further. Here's some tasty choices that will have your neighbors peering over the fence and asking “What is that?” when they catch a glimpse of your unique veggie picks.

Amaranth – This veggie is not for people with a height complex as by the time it's finished growing it could easily end up taller than you! They grow up to eight feet in height and produce beautiful reddish gold flowers, giving your garden a bit of eye candy as well. The leaves taste great chopped up in salads or in a stir fry, lending a uniquely tangy and nutty flavor that's sure to please. And the seeds are also a healthy addition to cereals, oatmeal, and baked goods.

Peanuts – Whether you're looking to grind them up for some homemade peanut butter or use them in a delicious meal, these tasty and healthy legumes could be just what you're looking for. They're fun to plant and watch grow and your possibilities for preparing them are endless. If you wanted to, you could pluck them right out of the ground and eat them right from the shell, they're that good!

light through swiss chard
Swiss chard (Photo credit: greenhem)
Chard – Another great looking vegetable that would look as much at home in a flower garden as it will among your other veggies. Swiss chard offers tons of great ways to cook and serve it, and newer varieties of rainbow Swiss chard both look and taste absolutely fantastic.

Eggplant – Nothing beats the eggplant when it comes to the delectable flavors of international cuisine. Used all over the world, from Italy to Thailand, you're sure to find an option for you and your family to enjoy from casseroles to soups or even sliced and grilled right on the barbecue! No matter how you cook it you can't go wrong with something that tastes this good. (I used to hate eggplant when I was little, but now I look forward to it every summer!) With beautiful purple, green, or white fruits, it will add some visual interest to your garden as well.

Romanesco – If you're looking for a vegetable to add to your garden that looks like it's from another planet then check out this one! A veggie in the same family as cauliflower and cabbage, these crazy looking vegetables aren't just really cool, they're really healthy! Excellent sources of tons of great vitamins, they look so pretty you may have a hard time pulling them up to eat them.

Each and every one of these planting ideas are guaranteed to look great in your garden and taste great on your plate, but when it comes down to it, it's your garden and your choice. The possibilities are practically endless so get out there and find the perfect, one of a kind veggies for you and your family to enjoy!

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