Thursday, January 31, 2013

Video - Crop Rotation Planning Tool

This video shows how to design your own crop rotation plan using a simple piece of free computer software. If you're a "techie" gardener, you'll love this!  If not, no worries - you can do the same sort of thing on a piece of notebook paper. If using the paper method, you'll want to have a garden notebook to keep track of which crops are planted where each year, so that you have the proper number of years between certain kinds of crops.

This video is also helpful in showing the different vegetable families, and which should follow which in the rotation. (Eliot Coleman's excellent book, The 4-Season Harvest also has great information in the vegetables section about what to grow before and after a particular crop.)

Check out this cool video, and start planning out your crop rotation for the season!
How to rotate your vegetable crops! Crop rotation HD
IMPORTANT: TURN ON ANNOTATIONS!!! This is a Sketch on how to make your own crop rotation. It is the tool for organic gardeners, to prevent harmful pests attacking your plants. It is the cornerstone in any natural pest control. for organic pest contro...

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