Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mine is growing great!  It's been quite an adventure for my garden this spring.... Crazy winds, cold nights, hail, and rain, rain, rain have proved a challenge for many local gardeners. But, the garden must go on! I seem to have picked the right crop for this year - I'm focusing on mainly potatoes, and apparently they LOVE rain! Some took a couple of weeks to come up, and when it was very cool, they grew slowly, but I think they have gained 8-inches this week alone! I just finished hilling them up a bit, and did the mulching, and they look just gorgeous!

Here are a couple of  pictures of my organic garden so far this year:
Happy potato plants!

2011 Garden - late May

In this last picture, you can see the potatoes on the left. In the background are gladiolas (and other slow-growing flowers that haven't taken off yet). To the right are the remainder of my lettuces which wintered over, and cilantro. Yum!
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